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Showing posts from July, 2023

Old Narratives, New Beginnings

  I want to give my opine today, my opinion on what I've read, what I've seen, people I've spoken to, etc. This is nothing more than a snapshot, an educated guess at this moment in time and perhaps the last for me. I'll be honest with you all, the truth of the matter is, we may never be able to resolve the question of rightful ownership of land - Francisco or Antonio de la Garza. The fact is, is that it's not a clear path so to speak, you know like from A to Z. Instead, the story and the facts zig zag and meander left and right, abruptly stopping, then heading in a different direction. I do think there is a terminal point where the desired explanations or reasons we're seeking, stop. Reasons and explanations, like a philosopher once said, must be able to come to an end at some point. There is a scattering of facts, but the majority of the rancho alamito story is mired in a smoky haze, a haze that history has made to last permanently. There are gaps in his...